Building Project Depicting The Use Of Windposts

Understanding Windposts

A Crucial Component in Modern Construction

Windposts, while not frequently discussed outside of engineering and architectural circles, play a pivotal role in the construction industry. These elements, essential in ensuring the structural integrity and longevity of a building, act as silent guardians against the ravages of strong winds. In the complex world of construction, it's often the unseen elements that play the most vital roles. Windposts, though largely hidden from view, serve as the backbone of many structures, ensuring they stand tall against the relentless forces of nature. As we advance in architectural design and push the boundaries of what's possible, the role of such reinforcing elements only grows in importance.

What are Windposts?

At its core, a windpost is a vertical structural element designed to counter the lateral loads, primarily from wind pressure, on masonry walls. These loads can exert significant pressure, causing potential deformation or even collapse of walls. Windposts are installed within cavity walls or other wall constructions to provide the necessary stability and support.

Material and Design

Windposts are generally made from durable materials, with stainless steel being a common choice due to its resistance to corrosion and its impressive strength-to-weight ratio. The design of a windpost can vary based on the specific requirements of a construction project. Common designs include:

  • Channel section: Offers resistance to twisting and can easily be incorporated into cavity walls.
  • Double channel section: Offers resistance to twisting and can easily be incorporated into cavity walls.
  • ā€˜Iā€™ section: Resembles a steel beam in cross-section and offers significant resistance to wind pressures.


Windposts are versatile and can be found in a range of applications, including:
  • Large buildings: In skyscrapers or large commercial complexes, where wind loads can be especially high.
  • Bridges: Providing stability against both wind and dynamic loads from traffic.
  • Cavity walls: Offering reinforcement and preventing the walls from bowing outwards due to lateral pressure.
  • Areas with high wind exposure: In geographical regions prone to high winds or cyclonic conditions, windposts are integral to the structural safety of buildings.

Installation and Maintenance

Proper installation of windposts is essential. They must be correctly positioned, anchored, and tied to the walls for optimum performance. Typically, ties are used to link the windpost to the inner and outer leaves of masonry. Maintenance is generally minimal, especially when using corrosion-resistant materials like stainless steel. However, periodic inspections are advisable to ensure the structural integrity remains uncompromised.

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Help with your windpost project

WP|WindPost have been around for quite some time and know a thing or two about windposts. We provide quality product at a good price and deliver on time. As well as being a key UK supplier - we provide assistance and advice ... free of charge. Contact us when you are planning your next project, our years of experience with windposts can really come in handy.

We can advise you on what you're going to need, we can help when it comes to budgeting and delivery schedules. There are many ways in which our assistance can be of great value - we are here to help, use us! Our core product would be the 80x80 windpost, but we make them in other dimensions too. Whether you are going to need off-the-shelf windposts, or, windposts that are constructed bespokely for your project. WP|WindPost can help. We love to get involved at the project stage, it means that we can prepare things for you and get them delivered right when you need them.

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Windposts, wind posts or wind-posts?

OK, so what is the correct terminology? Ask different people - and you'll get different answers. The word 'windposts' seems to be the more popular and we would say is probably more accepted that other variations. We are specialists when it comes to windposts, yet simply posing the simple question to our office staff inspired a great debate which is still on-going today. Let's just say, the jury is still out heh? Searching online for the correct term just throws more fuel on the fire - both 'wind posts' and 'wind-posts' are out there in abundance (not helping Mr Google!). It shouldn't be a problem, right? Well actually, it does matter ... or so says our website guys.

"Searching for 'wind posts' when we are describing our product as being 'windposts' causes relevency problems within the search engines"
- Website guy

Just to be clear, they are all the same thing. No matter how you spell it, 'wind-post', wind post' or 'windpost' - you'll get the same product. Hmmm, maybe we should take another look at our company name, does WP|WindPost still do the job we want? Food for thought!

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Windposts – shopping experience

A recent survey of our customers and clients high-lighted features and aspects of our website that they liked, and a few things that could be done better. WP|WindPost aims to please and are actively making changes and improving our wind-post services. One thing that surprised us though, was the amount of people who congratulated us on our product page layout, of all things. It transpires that when trying to purchase windposts online, lets say, some websites are a bit more efficient and substantially easier to navigate than others. Here at WP|WindPost, we have all of the configuration possibilities on the one product page, we believe this to be in your interests and makes it a better shoppng experience. Other websites, apparently, have split the one product into many products differing only by size or type of connection - leaving you frustrated (having to navigate so many pages) and a little confused.

When we looked into what our customers were refering to, we visited a few other sites supplying windposts and quickly understood the valued comments. It turns out that we not only let you choose both the type and style on the same product page, we have several more configuration options too - good to know we are doing something right heh? So, when you're looking at buying your windposts - you really need to visit WP|WindPost (lesson for the day).

-Editorial Team

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Introduction to Windposts

Windposts are used in the construction and building trades generally to provide additional support to masonry walls. They increase lateral stability and protect masonry panelling against horizontal forces such as strong winds or even large crowds.

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