WP|WindPost have been around for quite some time and know a thing or two about windposts. We provide quality product at a good price and deliver on time. As well as being a key UK supplier - we provide assistance and advice ... free of charge. Contact us when you are planning your next project, our years of experience with windposts can really come in handy.
We can advise you on what you're going to need, we can help when it comes to budgeting and delivery schedules. There are many ways in which our assistance can be of great value - we are here to help, use us! Our core product would be the 80x80 windpost, but we make them in other dimensions too. Whether you are going to need off-the-shelf windposts, or, windposts that are constructed bespokely for your project. WP|WindPost can help. We love to get involved at the project stage, it means that we can prepare things for you and get them delivered right when you need them.