Windposts – shopping experience
A recent survey of our customers and clients high-lighted features and aspects of our website that they liked, and a few things that could be done better. WP|WindPost aims to please and are actively making changes and improving our wind-post services. One thing that surprised us though, was the amount of people who congratulated us on our product page layout, of all things. It transpires that when trying to purchase windposts online, lets say, some websites are a bit more efficient and substantially easier to navigate than others. Here at WP|WindPost, we have all of the configuration possibilities on the one product page, we believe this to be in your interests and makes it a better shoppng experience. Other websites, apparently, have split the one product into many products differing only by size or type of connection - leaving you frustrated (having to navigate so many pages) and a little confused.
When we looked into what our customers were refering to, we visited a few other sites supplying windposts and quickly understood the valued comments. It turns out that we not only let you choose both the type and style on the same product page, we have several more configuration options too - good to know we are doing something right heh? So, when you're looking at buying your windposts - you really need to visit WP|WindPost (lesson for the day).
-Editorial Team